The Board Members

News from Solanco Education Foundation

The Solanco Education Foundation has elected officers.

Will Keays, president, and Becky McAndrews, vice president.
Bill Musser, treasurer, and Julie Duvall, secretary.

The Solanco Education Foundation partners with local businesses and residents to raise funds for student scholarships, teacher grants, and to support important educational programs in Solanco schools including “Baggie Books” for kindergarten and first grade readers, the mobile science probeware program at the high school, and others. For more information, call 786-5611.


President: Will Keays
Vice President: Becky McAndrews
Executive Director: Becky Guhl
Bill Musser
Secretary: Julie Duvall

Additional Board Members:

Larry G Albright
Craig Ausel
Jane Ausel
Fan Bender
Tom Brackbill
Julie Duvall
Kathy Eberly
Donna Railing
Brenda Roark
John Waggoner
Monica Wagner
Ken Zieber